How to open a support ticket?

How to open a support ticket?

If the knowledge base articles or our documentation portal did not resolve your questions or issues, you can open a new support ticket through the portal.

After detailing the type of support you need, the ticket will be directed to our team so that they can help you in the best possible way.

Below are some instructions for creating a new support ticket:

Defining the ticket classification

The first step is to define the ticket classification, informing the purpose of the ticket being opened. Currently, you can choose between the following categories:
  1. Question
  2. Bug Report
  3. Feature Request
  4. Consultative Support (not available for community plans)

Filling in ticket information

For every new ticket created, you must enter the Subject and Description. These fields provide an initial context and explain the type of assistance you need.

Depending on the ticket category selected, you will be asked to provide some additional information. This will allow our team to direct the ticket in the best possible way and help you more efficiently and objectively.


Use this classification if you need to answer any questions, solve any problems using the tools, or better understand some aspects of the platform in general.

In addition to the subject and description, you can optionally link a product that BotCity offers to the ticket created if it is related to the opened ticket.

Bug Report

Use this classification if you have encountered any bugs while using BotCity tools.

In addition to the subject and description, you can provide the following details regarding the bug found:
  1. Product Name: BotCity product/tool where the bug was found.
  2. Bug Priority: the impact of the bug on your environment.
  3. Expected behavior: a clear description of expected behavior under normal conditions.
  4. Steps to reproduce: step-by-step instructions for reproducing the bug.

Feature Request

Use this classification if you have identified a possible point for improvement on the platform or have missed a feature that meets a specific need.

In addition to the subject and description, you can enter the following details regarding the functionality:
  1. Product Name: BotCity product/tool where the feature would be implemented.
  2. What's the problem this feature will solve?: describe the main need that this functionality would solve.
  3. Use case examples: describe, if any, real use cases where this functionality could be applied (you can use cases based on your context or cases that you have previously observed).

Consultative Support

Use this classification if you need consultative support from our Automation Experience team.

The Consultative Support category is only available to customers on Enterprise plans.

In addition to the subject and description, you can provide the following details regarding the consultancy being requested:
  1. What type of assistance do you need?: You can tell us which specific stage you need help with or whether the consultancy is to resolve technical issues in general.

Track the status of a ticket

After submitting a new support ticket, our team will process your request and route the ticket based on the details provided.

You will be able to track responses and ticket statuses through your area of the support portal.

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